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Mohs Hardness Test Kit

Glass Agencies are Manufacturers, Supplier, Trader and Exporter of Mohs Hardness Test Kit under the EROSE Brand.

Glass Agencies, Ambala Cantt are Manufacturers, Supplier, Trader and Exporter of Mohs Hardness Test Kit under the EROSE Brand.

  • This set includes 8 Mohs’ Hardness Points from Mohs’ 2 through Mohs’ 9, nicely mounted in nickel-plated Brass, color-coded, number-stamped, double-ended Pin Vises. Also includes two Hardness Plates of Mohs’ 3.5 and 5.5, a 100x Sharpening Stone, along with laminated instructions permanently affixed to inside of case, a Table of Industrial and other materials sorted by Mohs’ Hardness, all compactly packaged in a molded Plastic carrying Case, designed for use in rugged workplace environments.
  • The Hardness Points are made of Metals and Alloys of equivalent Mohs’ Hardness as the mineral standards, so the points will not break off, and they can easily be re-sharpened, and ultimately replaced after many years.
  • Hardness Table for 80 common Materials.
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